Many people are worried about not being able to afford gas because the prices are rising due to Hurricane Harvey. There are a few ways that are obvious to save money and use your gasoline more efficiently so you do not have to fill up as often. However, there are some ways you may not know about. First off, you …
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Police Brutality in The USA
It is an uncomfortable and sad thing to consider the rise in police brutality in the USA in recent years. This phrase refers to the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers and can extend to abuse in penal facilities. There is an increasing awareness about police brutality, and an increased tension between citizens and law enforcement officers. Questions …
Read More »Racial Divisions in the USA as a Result of the Recent Election
Racism has always been a highly contentious topic in the USA. While enormous leaps and bounds have been made since the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, there remains a lot of work to be done, and at times it appears the nation steps backwards instead of forwards. For some, the idea that the recent election of President Donald …
Read More »How Have Celebrities Used Social Media to Help Raise Funds for the Victims of Harvey
Many celebrities have donated money themselves to the victims of Hurricane Harvey but what else did they do using social media to help raise more money? Many celebrities are followed closely on Twitter, Instagram, and any social media in general. Many celebrities have challenged their fans to donate money to the victims of the hurricane through their social media pages. …
Read More »Do You Think Meghan Markle Did The Right Thing by Giving Up Her Acting Career for Prince Harry?
When Meghan Markle officially announced last November that she would be giving up her acting career due to her engagement with Prince Harry, many people were understandably shocked and concerned. After all, she had a highly promising career as an actress and it seemed that she could have continued to do it indefinitely. Many people felt that she was making …
Read More »Is Omarosa Back on Reality Television Just a Scam?
Omarosa is a name that everyone seems to be familiar with, no matter if you are a fan of reality television or not. She always seems to be all over the news. But you may be wondering if the reality star turned White House staffer turned back into a reality star is a scam or if she is legit. This …
Read More »Why did Kylie Jenner hide her pregnancy?
News recently sprung up that Kylie Jenner was pregnant, but it finally got confirmed that she had a baby girl Stormi Webster on February 1, but the main thing to note and question is why didn’t the confirm her pregnancy before the baby’s arrival? Obviously, there can be a number of reasons, both personal and work related, but fans still …
Read More »Trump’s Ban Against Transgender Serving in the Military
During the Obama administration, there were two notable changes made to military policies. One of which was the lift on the ban of transgender citizens serving in the military, put into place in 2016. Fast forward less than a year later, the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief, President Donald Trump makes moves to reinstate this ban with a target effective date of …
Read More »What to Say to People Impacted by a Major Environmental Disaster
When someone is impacted by a major environmental disaster, many people including you may not know what to say or feel that you are not helping them. It is important to always be there for the person and make sure they know they alone. When someone is heartbroken and has lost everything, the last thing you want to do is …
Read More »How Has Social Media Been Instrumental to Bringing Awareness of Hurricane Harvey
Many people use social media, that is no question, but how has it brought awareness of the victims of Hurricane Harvey? Many people pay attention to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So what was so special about this time that people actually used this for awareness for people in Texas and all over the path of destruction for Harvey. Many people …
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