Saturday , 27 July 2024


What To Wear For A Casting Call

The casting call is an opportunity for upcoming actors to get a role, even a minor one, for movie or television series. It is their interview and one has to look their best. The question then becomes what to wear for that all important audition where it lasts about 5 minutes. One has to think appropriate attire, but that is …

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How To Be Motivated When You Don’t Have A Callback

If you know you did your best in an audition, fear not. It is disappointing, not just for actors but for any role. You feel downhearted and that you could have done better – over thinking it all. But here are some tips on how to keep motivated when you don’t receive the news you may have wanted. Take It …

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How to overcome rejection

How to Deal with Audition Rejection – and Emerge Stronger  Going through auditions is not easy. But, how much more when it comes to dealing with the inevitable rejections? To say the least, getting over audition rejection (as in almost all forms of rejection) is not a walk in the park. But rejections are actually essential experience from where you …

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Ways to Save Money with Rising Gas Prices

Many people are worried about not being able to afford gas because the prices are rising due to Hurricane Harvey. There are a few ways that are obvious to save money and use your gasoline more efficiently so you do not have to fill up as often. However, there are some ways you may not know about. First off, you …

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Police Brutality in The USA

It is an uncomfortable and sad thing to consider the rise in police brutality in the USA in recent years. This phrase refers to the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers and can extend to abuse in penal facilities. There is an increasing awareness about police brutality, and an increased tension between citizens and law enforcement officers. Questions …

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Top 5 things you should be doing daily to keep yourself motivated

One of the hardest things to do is to keep motivated during tough times.  The road to success is a hard and sometimes lonely one.  When trying to forge your own success or career path, it is often very hard to not get bogged down by the small things.  Little setbacks can have far-reachingconsequences on your motivation levels. Here are …

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Should Celebrities Keep Their personal Life A Secret?

The celebrity has both influence to do good as well as show bad. It is a lifestyle that exposes their personal lives, which is also a curse to them. Some are willing to open themselves up to the world while others keep their private lives exactly that, private. We obviously have a belief that public figures have a right to …

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